2023 SDGs Asia: Let the world see Taiwan’s activities for sustainable development at all levels!
2023 SDGs Asia
Let the world see Taiwan’s activities for sustainable development at all levels!

Many business leaders, university leaders, the heads of government departments, and foreign representatives participating in the 2023 SDGs Asia.
The SDGs Asia exposition featured more than 400 exhibits by 120 organizations including central and local governments, corporates, universities, and NGOs. Through dialogs and discussions at the SDGs Asia summit and the SDGs Asia forum, stakeholders stayed connected, shared sustainability practices, and found solutions to move toward a net-zero future. In response to Taiwan’s actions for sustainable development, Taipei 101, which is the world’s tallest green building, turned on all exterior lights during the night on July 20.
The event was co-led by the National Council for Sustainable Development and the Alliance for Sustainable Development Goals (A·SDGs) and hosted by Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE). During the Sustainability Action Awards ceremony, chief sustainability officers across different public and private sectors that were awarded gathered to celebrate their achievements in sustainable development. At the opening of the award-giving ceremony, Chen Chien-Jen, President of the Executive Yuan, presented the awards to the award winners. He said that our government passed Taiwan’s Climate Change Response Act in January making a plan for Taiwan’s pathway to net-zero emissions in 2050 and legislated a law to elevate the status of the Environmental Protection Administration to the Ministry of the Environment. Moreover, to achieve net-zero emissions, the National Development Fund of the Executive Yuan and the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation jointly establish the Taiwan Carbon Credit Exchange. He believed that enhancing the partnerships between government agencies, corporates, and civilians can help Taiwan achieve net-zero emissions and develop a sustainable future for the next generations.

Eugene Chien, Chairman of TAISE and the host of 2023 SDGs Asia and Chen Chien-Jen, President of the Executive Yuan, celebrating the the Asia Pacific Sustainability Action Awards (APSAA) with the award winners.
Another presenter for the Sustainable Action Awards was You Si-Kun, President of the Legislative Yuan. He said assertively that the extreme weather has affected many millions of people on the planet, and therefore, taking action to reduce carbon emissions is more urgent than ever before. We must take action now!

You Si-Kun, President of the Legislative Yuan, stating we should be friendly to our environment.

Eugene Chien, Chairman of TAISE, and You Si-Kun, President of the Legislative Yuan, paid tribute to the government agencies that won the awards.

Chairman Eugene Chien and former Police Commissioner of the Criminal Investigation Bureau Yang, Zih-Jing celebrating the Asia Pacific Sustainability Action Awards (APSAA) with the award winners.

Chairman Eugene Chien celebrating the Asia Pacific Sustainability Action Awards (APSAA) with the award winners.

Taipei city government, Taichung City Government, Kaohsiung City Government, Tainan City Government, and New Taipei City Government respectively received the Livable and Sustainable City Award.

Chairman Eugene Chien and former Minister of Health and Welfare of Taiwan Chen Shih-Chung celebrating the Asia Pacific Sustainability Action Awards (APSAA) with the award winners.
To promote Taiwan’s pathway to net-zero emissions, the theme of our exposition was “Towards a Net-Zero Future” and had 7 exhibit areas: policy, cities, corporations, education, non-governmental organizations, living, and energy. All exhibit areas provided an ideal opportunity for all participatory organizations to showcase their strategies for sustainability transition.
Furthermore, the exposition included 12 sustainability forums and 6 summits. We encouraged the public to join the events to experience sustainable lifestyles. For instance, joining the Taipei Golden Eagle Micro-Movie Festival Broadcast and the Climate Change Painting Competition Exhibition could have the opportunity to explore several sustainable topics like sustainable cities. Chairman Eugene Chien also reiterated President Tsai Ing-Wen’s statement on Earth Day that the transition to net zero by 2050 is a global aim—that is Taiwan’s mission as well. He anticipated through summits, forums, award ceremonies, and events to integrate public and private sectors to achieve SDGs in Taiwan.
2023 SDGs Asia took place at Taipei World Trade Center from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday through Sunday, July 21-23. The exposition was open for all people to participate in a full day of events and exhibitions in this venue, located in the heart of Taipei!
Find the link for your reference:
1. List of 2023 Asia-Pacific Sustainability Action Awards Winner: https://tcsaward.org.tw/tw/news/index/383
2. List of 2023 Taiwan Sustainability Action Awards Winner: https://tcsaward.org.tw/tw/news/index/382
3. 2023 SDGs Asia Guidebook: http://bit.ly/sdgs-asia