2024 Submission
Release date:2024 Jan 10
I. Sustainability Action Awards
1. Content
(1) Participants should write a statement of 2,000 words (plain text) according to the selection criteria as well as
supplementary diagrams (submitted in the form of additional attachments to the presentation).
(2) English title of the best sustainability action practice, English summary, project finance, manpower within three
years, description of the practice within 3,000 words (plain text), and supplementary diagrams (submitted as an
additional attachment to the presentation).
(3) Provide one representative photo.
2. Data Format (in English)
Characters include punctuation marks and spaces, and English words use letters as one character.
(1) Diagrams supplementing the above-mentioned plain text data are to be presented in the form of presentations
given in appendix; presentation layout should be set to screen size 4:3.
(2) For the compilation of supplementary diagrams for selection criteria, the presentation shall be limited to 6 pages
(exclusive of the front and back covers), and the document should be converted to a PDF file of no more than
5MB in size.
(3) The supplementary diagrams for Sustainability Action Award shall be limited to 9 pages (excluding the front and
back covers), and the document should be converted to a PDF file of no more than 10MB in size.
(4) Featured photo file must ensure that the pixels are above 300dpi, preferably in horizontal format (the file size
does not exceed 5MB).
3. Remarks
(1) The results must give reference to the criteria with the Criteria marked in each paragraph. The contents should
cover the award criteria.
(2) The time frame needs to be from 2021 to 2023 and supplemented by other annual results.
(3) The time frame is limited to the current year for participants who have won performance awards in the current
year. The entries over the last 2 years cannot be reentered.
(4) Submission
All submissions are to be completed through the official website. Please refer to Appendix 1 for format.
II. Livable and Sustainable City Award
1. Content
The English title of the sustainability practice, English summary, a 5000-word limit statements focusing on award
criteria, and supplementary diagrams (submitted in the form of attachments).
(1) Bonus will be given for submission of VLR reports in English.
(2) Provide One representative photo.
2. Data Format (in English)
(1) Limit to 5,000 words, including punctuation marks and spaces, and each letter of an English word.
(2) Diagrams are to be presented in the form of presentations; presentation layout should be set to screen size 4:3.
Within 10 pages (excluding the front and back covers), the document must be converted to a PDF file of no more
than 10MB.
(3) Featured photo file must ensure that the pixels are above 300dpi, preferably in horizontal format (the file size
does not exceed 5MB).
3. Remarks
(1) The entry must be written with reference to award criteria and mark the criteria in each paragraph.
(2) Timeframe: Primarily focused on 2023, supplemented by other annual results.
4. Submission
All submissions are done through the official website, please refer to Appendix 2.
III. Changemaker Award
1. Submission
Nomination by organization with information about the Chief Sustainability Officer (refer to Appendix 3) through submission of documents below:
(1) Nomination within 600 characters (Nomination by agency/ institution)
(2) Basic information of the candidate.
(3) Biography of nominee summarizing corporate sustainability performance in 300 letters and detail of 3,000 characters.
(4) Commitment to supporting sustainable actions of the organization; submit in form of presentation within 10 pages in a PDF file within 10MB in size.
2. Remarks
(1) Candidates must be informed of the nomination.
(2) The content must give reference to the criteria.
(3) Re-entry is allowed 3 years after awarded.